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Forum: 47b Barry Avenue, Mortdale. : 0452 218 638

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  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: 47b Barry Ave Daily Roster - No replies or comments plz.

    Started by 47b Mortdale, 4th December 2019 07:48 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    47b, auxxx, barry, daily, great, roster, shortly
    • Replies: 57
    • Views: 140,261
    27th November 2024, 09:47 AM Go to last post
  3.   Normal Threads  

  1. Sugar

    Started by alphaomega8384, 12th July 2024 10:37 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,269
    12th July 2024, 10:37 PM Go to last post
  2. Michelle

    Started by curicos, 3rd July 2024 07:28 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,487
    3rd July 2024, 07:28 PM Go to last post
  3. Sakura

    Started by vanness, 6th January 2024 07:28 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,656
    6th January 2024, 07:28 AM Go to last post
  4. Cici

    Started by vanness, 8th July 2023 01:05 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,132
    8th July 2023, 01:05 PM Go to last post
  5. Nancy

    Started by vanness, 8th July 2023 12:48 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,539
    8th July 2023, 12:48 PM Go to last post
  6. Tiffany

    Started by Big Rich, 6th May 2023 09:42 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,287
    6th May 2023, 09:42 PM Go to last post
  7. Lisa

    Started by Newboy, 15th November 2020 05:39 PM
    massage, lisa, good, asked, bit, condom, mamasan, chat, girl, knelt, moved, 47b, started, nice, figure, cute, visit, mouth, dressed, light, bbbj, clit, quick, round, showered, session, slimish, wanted, suck, sort, b-cups, cock, wiped, landing, legs, pretty, strip, fuck, daty, lie, girls, cowgirl, reverse, intense, wet, doggie, loud, eventually, cum, slim
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 13,390
    2nd January 2023, 10:41 AM Go to last post
  8. Selena

    Started by berrocca66, 10th February 2022 09:51 AM
    47b, acceptable, asked, back, bath, bbbj, bed, body, breasts, cat, close, conversation, cup, cute, daty, deep, doesn’t, english, face, girl, good, goodbye’s, it’s, i’d, lay, left, lie, minutes, mortdale, nice, passable, passed, pretty, proceeded, quick, release, rostered, round, selena, selena’s, session, she’s, shower, showered, starts, technique, time, visit, walked, wasn’t
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 13,834
    20th December 2022, 06:05 PM Go to last post
  9. Honey

    Started by Newboy, 6th December 2022 05:55 PM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 3,210
    13th December 2022, 12:14 AM Go to last post
  10. Post Pepsi

    Started by vanness, 22nd October 2022 02:19 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,449
    22nd October 2022, 02:19 PM Go to last post
  11. Lora

    Started by basao, 2nd January 2022 09:49 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,685
    2nd January 2022, 09:49 AM Go to last post
  12. Maggie at 47b - a very good and somewhat unusual session

    Started by Newboy, 23rd February 2021 06:55 PM
    maggie, good, immediately, 47b, mamasan, couldn’t, couple, showered, vibrator, grabbed, chat, girls, started, face, figure, curvy, lay, clit, watching, turned, back, working, days, phone, told, a/b-cups, fiv, cowgirl, legs, session, position, shaved, fully, pussy, macau, bbbj, fat, gradually, built, comply, torch, happy, properly, telling, action, close-up, thing, batteries, bullet-like, attached
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 7,792
    11th May 2021, 11:34 AM Go to last post
  13. Diana @ 47b Mortdale

    Started by Lancelot24, 4th May 2021 08:02 AM
    10am, 47b, april, asleep, back, bbbj, boss, brothel, business, choice, comprehensive, contact, cowgirl, date, details/address/weblink, dfk, diana, disposition, doggie, establishment, fat, forfilled, fun, girls, happy, hours, initial, keen, ladies, lady, larger, late, lots, morning, mortdale, nice, oriented, performed, persons, phone, positions, rates, rimming, service, sex, sheets, thursday, til, visit, wake
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,814
    4th May 2021, 08:02 AM Go to last post
  14. Amanda at 47b - a virtuosa trombonist

    Started by Newboy, 20th April 2021 06:07 PM
    massage, amanda, bit, started, 47b, arsehole, lube, lay, good, nice, pushed, condom, lie, mamasan, stroking, didn’t, cock, made, black, couple, room, cum, time, air, cowgirl, squirted, works, face, figure, fully, b-cups, cuddly, rates, gave, head, shaved, curvy, daty, bbbj, fia, applied, mish, doggie, partial, inside”, legs, moaning, touchy, fiv, mouth
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 4,034
    20th April 2021, 07:01 PM Go to last post
  15. Betty at 47b - very good, especially the BJ

    Started by Newboy, 11th March 2021 06:35 PM
    massage, betty, good, asked, legs, bit, back, cock, time, gave, top, great, black, 47b, times, start, b-cups, slim, bum, pretty, stood, bed, ready, stockings, red, sexy, girl, figure, dribbling, showed, face, hair, photo, tiny, shower, mish, doggie, session, pointed, spanish, bbbj, cute, shapely, fully, shaved, mamasan, i’ve, chat, late, blowing
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,094
    11th March 2021, 06:35 PM Go to last post
  16. Summer

    Started by Newboy, 25th October 2020 07:33 PM
    3/11/20, 47b, amazingly, back, barry, bbbj, begin, bury, close, condom, contact, conversation, daty, details/address/weblink, english, enter, eye, face, full, immensely, incredibly, lay, legs, lfk, lube, mortdale,, move, nice, paper, petite, places, pussy, real, recover, responsive, shaved, slightly, slips, slowly, stubbly, summer, tight, towels, turning, underneath, visit, wet, wonderful, working
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 11,023
    9th November 2020, 12:55 PM Go to last post
  17. Angela

    Started by berrocca66, 25th August 2020 09:33 AM
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 10,830
    9th November 2020, 11:46 AM Go to last post
  18. Lena at 47b - good session, lovely girl

    Started by Newboy, 14th October 2020 06:45 PM
    lena, good, time, started, face, sucked, 47b, bit, bed, pretty, mamasan, lay, side, chat, cheerful, fuck, immediately, pulled, round, south, cum, daty, half, mouth, shaved, c-cups, stubbly, bbbj, nice, curvy, lovely, girl, figure, mish, doggie, cowgirl, work, don’t, english, chatted, doesn’t, tuesdays, year, head, asked, shook, works, dressed, thursdays, briefly
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,900
    14th October 2020, 06:45 PM Go to last post
  19. Mora 47b Barry Avenue, Mortdale

    Started by Yashio, 30th September 2020 11:04 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,023
    30th September 2020, 11:04 PM Go to last post
  20. Jessica at 47b - good session, lovely girl

    Started by Newboy, 29th September 2020 06:23 PM
    brothel, massage, jessica, good, nice, pretty, bed, girl, today, lovely, 47b, shop, mish, figure, couple, wanted, condom, pulled, asked, bum, legs, front, mora, photo, inside”, suggesting, started, lie, chat, dressed, “no, mirror, pair, shower, room, immediately, hug, english, stripped, knelt, suck, showered, mamasan, side-on, cowgirl, visit, told, doggie, slender, curvy
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,624
    29th September 2020, 06:23 PM Go to last post
  21. Cool Star

    Started by Shark67, 31st July 2020 07:58 PM
    11th, applied, athletic, bbbj, chillisauce, commandment, common, curves, doggie, don’t, early, ease, effortless, enjoy, forced, fun, girl, give, gold, great, happened, happy, hearted,, humble, joy, kindness, language, missionary, native, other’s, person, place, point, porn, sexually, sexy, shared, sheer, spoke, star, stay, thing, thou, told, toned, treat, ultra, wanted, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,806
    31st July 2020, 07:58 PM Go to last post
  22. LaLa - 47b Barry Ave Mortdale

    Started by Lancelot24, 10th July 2020 08:58 PM
    $80, 3/7/20, 47b, active, adequately, ave, avenue, barry, bbbj, burn, business, compliant, confident, contact, date, details/address/weblink, dom, encouragement, establishment, experience/comments, finances, happy, home, hours, lala, lunch, mamasan, midnight, minutes, mish, money/recommend, mortdale, participant, performed, persons, phone, provided, rates, relaxed, reluctant, separately, services, session, showered, slowly, sorted, started, time, visit, write
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,170
    10th July 2020, 08:58 PM Go to last post
  23. LuLu - 47b Barry Ave Mortdale

    Started by Lancelot24, 21st February 2020 04:20 PM
    $80, 30s, 47b, acceptable, age, allowed, applied, ave, avenue, barry, basic, bath, bbbj, bed, business, cat, condom, customer, date, doubt, entice, experienced, fella, gave, genuine, give, hours, hump, keen, kissing, licked, lulu, lunch, midnight, minimization, minutes, mish, mortdale, obvious, pretty, price, prolonged, rates, reaction, regular, service, size/shape, techniques, time, vocal
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,964
    21st February 2020, 04:20 PM Go to last post
  24. Amy - 47b Barry Ave Mortdale

    Started by Lancelot24, 15th February 2020 10:56 PM
    $80, 47b, age, amy, appreciation, assuring, ave, avenue, average, barry, bath, bbbj, business, cat, completion, confident, date, deep, english, event, excellent, good, great, hard, hours, intro, job, kissing, levels, lunch, main, midnight, minutes, mortdale, pleasant, provided, rates, respect, routine, rush, session, shes, shower, skill, skills, sucking, technique, throat, time, usual
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,287
    15th February 2020, 10:56 PM Go to last post
  25. 47b Barry Ave comes on board

    Started by 47b Mortdale, 5th December 2019 08:23 AM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 7,385
    3rd February 2020, 08:25 AM Go to last post

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