Person's Name : Isabella

Establishment : 102 Moore St Liverpool

Month/Year of visit : June 24

Contact Details/Address/Weblink : 102 Moore St Liverpool

Phone : 87983358

Hours of Business : 24/7

Rates : $90 for 30 mins

Extras Cost

Services Provided : CBJ , Full Service

Age : Late 40s

Size/shape : Slim with belly

Nationality or Ethnicity : Chinese maybe Japanese

Value for money/recommend? : No not really

My experience/comments : Was passing near Liverpool and decided to give it a try. Always had good punts here over the years so thought I'd try it out. Gave them a call and they said yes girls available so within 3 mins I was inside. A older lady directed me to a room and I asked if I could see the girls available and she said yes and left. I then waited 10 more mins before she came back with a towel. I repeated can I see thr girls and she said yes soon. It did seem very busy and I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't seeing a line up and would be allocated one. So as I jumped in the shower a lady who came in who introduced herself as Isabella. She's reasonable but I certainly wouldn't pick her in a line up. But anyway it's a punt she could be a sex demon. Unfortunately she wasn't.
Started on the bed she spent several mins licking my nipples which does nothing for me. I then indicated for her to start the BJ. She said condom. I said no. Then she acted like I'd asked for anal and insisted on condom. I said condom after for sex
She said no , condom. Then she said extra for no condom. By this time I'm seeing this is a punt failure so I just let her put on comment and boring BJ commences. After a minute or so I'm just wanting to get done and get out so I move her to missionary. And as I try and put it in she's whinnying too big. She then gets into side saddle which we do for a few mins. I then say doggy so we get into doggy where I plow away eventually filling the dom.
A quick shower and I'm out of there. Not great but that's punting. It's also definitely not the lady in the pics on the website.